Most Finns are related to a summer house in the forest, by the lake 大部分的芬兰人都在湖滨森林的渡假屋过夏天
Finland, an unassuming name representing five million tenacious people doing their own quiet thing so far up north, can be easily overlooked. A modern country with deep traditions, many things about Finland are poles apart. In the summer, the sun never sets. In the winter, it barely rises. The language is unique, mysteriously unrelated to none of its imposing neighbours. The taciturn Finns are expert in communications. While the country is generally meticulous, the Helsinki airport can be inexplicably chaotic when you least expect it. In my story Man's Last Song, there's a passage on the lakes of Finland in Chapter 2-3 "Isa's Ashes"
在「笙歌」第二章之3 「爸爸的骨灰」 中,可以看到幾段描述芬蘭湖景的文字
A few pictures from Finland 看看芬蘭:

Summer Moon at Midnight 清风朗月,子夜银桥

Finland has 188,000 lakes and 179,584 islands 芬兰有18万8千个湖和18万个小岛

It can be windy at times 刮风的日子

Bird house 雀屋

It's only natural to expect gnomes in this setting 这个环境,的确是培养小精灵的好地方

Lakeside sauna house 湖滨桑拿屋

Sauna is an important part of Finnish family life 一家人桑拿浴是芬兰家庭生活中重要一环

Lots of clean water to wash potatoes 洗幼薯的水多的是,清澈冰凉。

Raclette "hotpot" after sauna 桑拿完毕,来个奶酪烧火锅

Late night by the lake, a lone gull . . . 子夜湖景:寂兮!寥兮!偶然几声水鸥怪叫。。。

The bread on the ceiling was a housewarming present from 1951. Things don't grow moldy!

Lake view 1 of 188,000 十八万分之一的湖景

A gleaming vista . . . 漾漾柔波,就是这个样子